Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Upload Facebook Status Via Animated Heart'
Login to ur Faceboook account
Click on the below link to upload status via an Animated app
Dialogue Feed Link:
Please don't ask me how I uploaded a animated gif as App Icon to static server,
the bug is patched...
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[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Upload Facebook Status Via Animated Heart
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] 3D Tab View in Chrome and Firefox
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, '3D Tab View in Chrome and Firefox'
Chrome and firefox are really greater browsers which are competing each other.
There are some features missing in both browser's can be bought using
extensions and add-ons. with help of 3D tab preview extensions/add-ons, the
entire browsers open...
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Heartbreaker Kugelkette HB 150 BC Sterlingsilber

Heartbreaker Kugelkette HB 150 BC Sterlingsilber

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/30/2012 06:42:00 PM
[Sebar Backlink 4] Bester Preis: : Gyro R/C - 3,5 Kanal Helikopter - EASY FLY - 40cm - gold - OUTDOOR - HUBSCHRAUBER flugfertig - Helikopter mit LEDs - 4D Full Flight
Gyro R/C - 3,5 Kanal Helikopter - EASY FLY - 40cm - gold - OUTDOOR - HUBSCHRAUBER flugfertig - Helikopter mit LEDs - 4D Full Flight

Gyro R/C - 3,5 Kanal Helikopter - EASY FLY - 40cm - gold - OUTDOOR - HUBSCHRAUBER flugfertig - Helikopter mit LEDs - 4D Full Flight

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/30/2012 02:08:00 PM
[Sebar Backlink 4] Bester Preis: : Playshoes Aqua-Schuh Punkte mit höchstem UV Schutz nach Standard 801 174776 Unisex - Kinder Sandalen/Bade-Sandalen
Playshoes Aqua-Schuh Punkte mit höchstem UV Schutz nach Standard 801 174776 Unisex - Kinder Sandalen/Bade-Sandalen

Playshoes Aqua-Schuh Punkte mit höchstem UV Schutz nach Standard 801 174776 Unisex - Kinder Sandalen/Bade-Sandalen
- Badeschuhe für Mädchen
- rutschfeste Gummisohle für sicheren Halt
- schnell trocknendes Material
- Lichtschutzfaktor 50 +
- mit Klettverschluss zu schließen
- ob am Strand oder im Schwimmbad, so ist Ihr Kind bestens für die Badesaison gerüstet
- Synthetik
- rot mit weißen Punkten

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/30/2012 02:08:00 PM
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Google Announces : Google Drive is now Ready to Use
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Google Announces : Google Drive is now Ready
to Use'
You can start using Google Drive for your
Take me to Google Drive
With Google Drive, you can:
Access your most up-to-date files from any device or browser
Share and collaborate on files with ex...
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Master of Blogger
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] How to Make Simple Portal that goes to a List of Website
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'How to Make Simple Portal that goes to a List
of Website'
Here is a simple portal that goes to a list of website.
It is a batch file that you can customize to go to multiple websites.
Type following in notepadsave as anyname.bat ("sitecollector.bat" i use)
Type following in notepadsave as anynam...
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Master of Blogger
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Top 12 Most Funny and Hilarious YouTube
Videos Guaranteed to Make You Laugh'
Say Fire Truck (Rated R)
Kids say the darndest things. The best thing about children learning to talk is
the mistakes they make when trying to pronounce certain words.
Cat Talking, Translation
Here's what it sounds like if you have your babel fish ...
You may view the latest post at Top 12 Most Funny and Hilarious YouTube Videos
Guaranteed to Make You Laugh
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, '40 Beautiful Valentine, Love and Heart
Shaped Icon Sets (Free Download)'
Valentine's Day is just around the corner. The annual commemoration held on
February 14 is celebrated across the globe as the day of love and finding that
special someone. To us, every reader is our special one. Instead of giving you
roses and choco...
You may view the latest post at 40 Beautiful Valentine, Love and Heart Shaped
Icon Sets (Free Download)
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, '40 Amazing Hand Painting of Animals You Must
Looking for more? Check out our40 Really Beautiful Body Painting Artworks!Bald
Eagle on Brown
Cat on Orange
Chicken and Chimpanzee
Cobra on Green
Cock and Corals
Dog Dalmatian
Dog Pointer on Brown
You may view the latest post at 40 Amazing Hand Painting of Animals You Must
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Top 60 Funny Photos Taken at the Right Time
from the Right Angle'
We all know that a great photo has to be taken at the right place, at the right
time, and from the right angle. But sometimes if the timing and angle are
correct, it might lead to some funny photos that seem to have a double sense.In
today's post, w...
You may view the latest post at Top 60 Funny Photos Taken at the Right Time
from the Right Angle
Search local sing les near you for XXX sex!
To sto0-p rraeceeivaling theese mmezsaages, plaleaase e-n-dd an e-maiil to cpierwpzz [aat] gmail [d0t] com wltthh the woarda STOP i-n the asvbjaec-t liin-ee.
[Sebar Backlink 4] Bester Preis: : Damen Schuhe, PUMPS, KEIL IN LEDER OPTIK, 11913, Synthetik in hochwertiger Leder Optik
Damen Schuhe, PUMPS, KEIL IN LEDER OPTIK, 11913, Synthetik in hochwertiger Leder Optik

Damen Schuhe, PUMPS, KEIL IN LEDER OPTIK, 11913, Synthetik in hochwertiger Leder Optik
Trendige Keilabsatz/ Wedge in extravaganter Optik aus der aktuellen Kollektion. Das Material besteht aus Synthetik in hochwertiger Leder Optik, Absatzhöhe ca. 5 cm.

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/30/2012 01:29:00 AM
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Save Any web pages in pdf format using Google chrome-Complete Guide
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Save Any web pages in pdf format using
Google chrome-Complete Guide'
PDF means Portable Document Format.Its benfit is that the fonts andformattingof
a document remains same on any computer.Anotherbenefitsthat pdf is very common
format and most oftheprofessionals savethere docu...
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[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Online CV Generator
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Online CV Generator'
Hi all. Many times we may lose good job opportunities by not having a good
Curriculum Vitae or simply because they know how to create one that is
attractive and might like to enterprises. Even the most basic information a CV
is there reflect a g...
You may view the latest post at
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[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] How to Write Your Name using Emoticons
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'How to Write Your Name using Emoticons'
If you want to addalphabetsin facebook chat, you can use the following
codes[[107015582669715]] = A
[[116067591741123]] = B
[[115602405121532]] = C
[[112542438763744]] = D
[[115430438474268]] = E
[[109225112442557]] = F
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Master of Blogger
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Add Happy Birthday Emotions on Facebook
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Add Happy Birthday Emotions on Facebook'
If it's your friends or family member's birthday, then facebook is the best
place to wish them. You can use following 'Happy Birthday Emoticons' and
ASCII art characters to post on their wall or send them through messages.
Just Copy and Pa...
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Master of Blogger
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Top 10 Craziest USB Types
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Top 10 Craziest USB Types'
Aphrodite Bust USB Hub
Aphrodite was the Greek Goddess of love and now she can be your Goddess of Hub
with the Aphrodite USB Hub. This bust is made of ceramic with a slip resistant
base and has 4 ports to charge all the USB gadgets you...
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Master of Blogger
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] How to Change the BackGround of Facebook
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'How to Change the BackGround of Facebook'
Let's begin the tutorial about how to change facebook background.
First, make sure that your browser is Mozilla Firefox and you have installed the
Styler Add-On.
Make sure you have installed and apply one of facebook layout/style. In this
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Master of Blogger
Konplott P116 Teardrops Damen Halskette

Konplott P116 Teardrops Damen Halskette

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/29/2012 06:40:00 PM
Smeg FAB30AZ7 Kühlschrank pastellblau

Smeg FAB30AZ7 Kühlschrank pastellblau
· Classic Edition - im Stile der 50er Jahre
· Farbe: Pastellblau
· Abtauautomatik im Kühlteil
· Abstellflächen aus Sicherheitsglas
· Türanschlag rechts
ENERGIE - Infos zu Energieeffizienz und Verbrauchswerten
a) Energieeffizienzklasse A+
auf einer Skala von A+++ (höchste Effizienz)
bis G (geringste Effizienz)
b) jährlicher Energieverbrauch (AEc) in kWh 266
c) Nutzinhalt aller Fächer
Nutzinhalt gesamt in l 290
Nutzinhalt Kühlteil in l 242
Nutzinhalt Gefrierteil in l 48
Sternekennzeichnung Gefrierteil: **** (4-Sterne)
d) Klimaklasse SN-T
e) Luftschallemissionen in dB(A) 42
f) Einbaugerät nein
Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/29/2012 03:04:00 PM
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] How to Get Adsense Approval after Disapproval
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'How to Get Adsense Approval after
Google is always smarter than other because if you promoting some one to hit
your adsense ads then you may be loose your account because if your friend is
hit day by day in your ads then your friend ip address Google will be finding
and banned you...
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Master of Blogger
Internship Mela has posted a new item, '"Infomaze Technologies" Hiring: Junior
PHP Developer @ Mysore, Karnataka'
Company : Infomaze Technologies
: Any Graduate/PG
Experience : 0-3 Years
: Mysore,
You may view the latest post at
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[Internship Mela] "Infomaze Technologies" Hiring: Junior Software Developer (.Net) @ Mysore, Karnataka
Internship Mela has posted a new item, '"Infomaze Technologies" Hiring: Junior
Software Developer (.Net) @ Mysore, Karnataka'
: Infomaze Technologies
Eligibility : B.Tech/B.E,MCA
- Computers
Experience : 0-3 Years
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[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] How to Set up Google Drive on your PC
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'How to Set up Google Drive on your PC'
On the previous post I've described How to get Google Drive. But you will only
get the online access of your account , means whenever you have to upload
anything to your Google drive you will always have to go and
sign in. When you h...
You may view the latest post at
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Best regards,
Arup Ghosh
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] How to Add YouTube Downloader in Blogger
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'How to Add YouTube Downloader in Blogger'
How To Add In Website?
Just Go To Your HTML File.
Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It Between <body> </body>.
Save It, Now You Are Done.
This size is perfect to embed inside post or website.
Download YouTube Video Widget For Blog &am...
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Master of Blogger
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] HP Nobag : Ladies Laptop
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'HP Nobag : Ladies Laptop'
This technology is becoming too vast, its beyound what one can imagine.
HP NoBagFor your Sis ,Mother ,Partner ,Crush ,Girlfriend (or Ex-GFs ;D )...
HP NoBag is one of the rollable computer that designed for ladies who don't
like bags fo...
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Master of Blogger
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Start Ur Own Channel With NokiaChannelMe
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Start Ur Own Channel With NokiaChannelMe'
What is Channel ME?Channel ME lets you live stream or upload your videos to the
world on your own channel. Share your experiences, talents and opinions your way
and reach out to millions. Be an onl...
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[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Protect Your Computer with Free Security Software
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Protect Your Computer with Free Security
Login to ur Facebook account
Click Here to Get it Free…
Simply Like the page.....nd download
Below Security Software Available for FREE!
McAfee Internet Security 2012
Norton AntiVirus 2012
Trend Micro Internet Security 2012 for PCs and Macs
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[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Tancet Results 2012_Check Your Tancet Results Here
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Tancet Results 2012_Check Your Tancet Results
Tancet Results 2012
Hey Friends!
Check Your MCA,MBA Tancet Results With This Link -[Tancet Results 2012]-
Tags: Mca results,Tancet Results,Tancet Results 2012,Tancet mca results,Tancet
mba results,Tancet results for MCA,Tancet results for MBA
You may view the latest post at
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Best regards,
Ashok Kumar
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Top 6 Beautiful Search Box For Website and Blogger
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Top 6 Beautiful Search Box For Website and
How To Add In Website?Just Go To Your HTML File.
Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It Between <body> </body>.
Save It, Now You Are Done.
How To Add In Blogspot?Go To Your
Open Your Desire Blog.
Go To Layout.
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Master of Blogger
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Gizmo Gadget for Your Personal Website
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Gizmo Gadget for Your Personal Website'
Enter "Elastic Man" as a Password For Getting Code
<embed height="250"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250"/embed>For Seeing the Preview
of Elastic Man
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Master of Blogger
Heartbreaker Charm Geflügeltes Schwein HB 315

Heartbreaker Charm Geflügeltes Schwein HB 315

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/28/2012 06:46:00 PM
[Sebar Backlink 4] Bester Preis: : Smeg FAB10RP - Standkühlschrank mit Gerfrierfach, Creme, Rechtsanschlag
Smeg FAB10RP - Standkühlschrank mit Gerfrierfach, Creme, Rechtsanschlag

Smeg FAB10RP - Standkühlschrank mit Gerfrierfach, Creme, Rechtsanschlag
· Classic Edition - im Stile der 50er Jahre
· Farbe: Creme
· Abtauautomatik im Kühlteil
· Abstellflächen aus Sicherheitsglas
· Türanschlag rechts
ENERGIE - Infos zu Energieeffizienz und Verbrauchswerten
a) Energieeffizienzklasse A+
auf einer Skala von A+++ (höchste Effizienz)
bis G (geringste Effizienz)
b) jährlicher Energieverbrauch (AEc) in kWh 169
c) Nutzinhalt aller Fächer
Nutzinhalt gesamt in l 114
Nutzinhalt Kühlteil in l 101
Nutzinhalt Gefrierfach in l 13
Sternekennzeichnung Gefrierfach: **** (4-Sterne)
d) Klimaklasse SN
e) Luftschallemissionen in dB(A) 37
f) Einbaugerät nein
Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/28/2012 03:07:00 PM
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Most Photogenic Divas of Bollywood'
of the B' town ladies have always been the hot favorites of Indian
audiences, as their style statements, the pay check amount they receive,
their affairs and breakups, their lifestyle and not to forget their
movie reviews has been the talk...
You may view the latest post at Most Photogenic Divas of Bollywood
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Aircel Affordably Revised Its 3G Data Packs
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Aircel Affordably Revised Its 3G Data Packs'
Aircel, Indias leading mobile operator today revised its 3G data packs
affordable to all customer.Currently Aircel Offers its 3G in 13 circles.Remember
the only operator gives unlimited data in 2G packs. Aircels new 3g packs are
unlimited with (FUP), very much affordable to its 2G data packs, starting Rs.7
for 1 day.There is no extra [...]
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[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] HTC developing a Facebook Phone
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'HTC developing a Facebook Phone'
HTC Developing a Facebook Phone? is a post by Shawn Ingram from Gotta Be Mobile.
HTC could be trying its hand at making a Facebook phone once again, this time
with the help of Facebook itself. According to Digitimes, HTC and Facebook are
You may view the latest post at
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Best regards,
Master of Blogger
[Hindi Movie] Fast forward Actor Deepika Padukone is living life out of a suitcase as she skips from one set to the other, juggling her projects
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Fast forward Actor Deepika Padukone is
living life out of a suitcase as she skips from one set to the other, juggling
her projects'
Fast forward
Actor Deepika Padukone is living life out of a suitcase as she skips from one
set to the other, juggling her projects
B-towners often have to be away from home for
months and live out of a suitcase as they are juggling proj...
You may view the latest post at Fast forward Actor Deepika Padukone is living
life out of a suitcase as she skips from one set to the other, juggling her
[Hindi Movie] ‘Where is the recognition?’ Oscar-winning costume designer Bhanu Athaiya, who turns 83 today, says she is still awaiting her due from the Indian government
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, ''Where is the recognition?'
Oscar-winning costume designer Bhanu Athaiya, who turns 83 today, says she is
still awaiting her due from the Indian government'
'Where is the recognition?'
Oscar-winning costume designer Bhanu Athaiya, who turns 83 today, says she is
still awaiting her due from the Indian government
She's the only woman designer from the country
to have been awarded the pres...
You may view the latest post at 'Where is the recognition?' Oscar-winning
costume designer Bhanu Athaiya, who turns 83 today, says she is still awaiting
her due from the Indian government
[Hindi Movie] Actor Akshay Kumar and stylist-turned-co-producer Shabina Khan apparently got into a tiff recently
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Actor Akshay Kumar and
stylist-turned-co-producer Shabina Khan apparently got into a tiff recently'
Akshay-Shabina fight on the sets!
Actor Akshay Kumar and stylist-turned-co-producer
Shabina Khan apparently got into a tiff recently, that stalled the shoot
of their film Rowdy Rathore for several hours. According to a source
from the se...
You may view the latest post at Actor Akshay Kumar and
stylist-turned-co-producer Shabina Khan apparently got into a tiff recently
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Fast, but can get you 'furious'! Movie -
Fast, but can get you 'furious'!
A bomb has been planted in a train going from London
to Glasgow, which will blow off if the speed is reduced to less than 60,
killing more than 500 passengers on the train (Speed on the railway
track?). To...
You may view the latest post at Fast, but can get you 'furious'! Movie -
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Life Ki Toh Lag Gayi'
Nothing new to offer
A bunch of talented actors, a city called
Mumbai and whoa, you have a film tracing the journey of each individual
vis-a-vis the city. It's not the first such film, there have been
several with this theme, but the ...
You may view the latest post at Life Ki Toh Lag Gayi
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] How to get a Free Backlink from PR9 website?(working)
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'How to get a Free Backlink from PR9
There is two main thing on which a blogger should focus , first one is Alexa
Rank and the other one is Google PageRank. On this post I'll focus on Google
PageRank and how it matters in your blog's SEO. Google PageRank is the SEO
marks of your blog ...
You may view the latest post at
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Best regards,
Arup Ghosh
[Sebar Backlink 4] Bester Preis: : Smeg FAB28RV1 Standkühlschrank / A++ / 248 L / Grün / mit integriertem Gefrierteil / Rechtsanschlag
Smeg FAB28RV1 Standkühlschrank / A++ / 248 L / Grün / mit integriertem Gefrierteil / Rechtsanschlag

Smeg FAB28RV1 Standkühlschrank / A++ / 248 L / Grün / mit integriertem Gefrierteil / Rechtsanschlag
· Classic Edition - im Stile der 50er Jahre
· Farbe: Pastellgrün
· Abtauautomatik im Kühlteil
· Abstellflächen aus Sicherheitsglas
· Dynamische Kühlung
· Türanschlag rechts
ENERGIE - Infos zu Energieeffizienz und Verbrauchswerten
a) Energieeffizienzklasse A++
auf einer Skala von A+++ (höchste Effizienz)
bis G (geringste Effizienz)
b) jährlicher Energieverbrauch (AEc) in kWh 180
c) Nutzinhalt aller Fächer
Nutzinhalt gesamt in l 248
Nutzinhalt Kühlteil in l 222
Nutzinhalt Gefrierfach in l 26
Sternekennzeichnung Gefrierfach: **** (4-Sterne)
d) Klimaklasse SN-T
e) Luftschallemissionen in dB(A) 40
f) Einbaugerät nein
Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/28/2012 03:28:00 AM
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Converting Batch Codes To Exe Files
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Converting Batch Codes To Exe Files'
The best way to learn batch is to experiment while referring to the HELP
command, it will explain everything. Batch programs are essentially sequences of
DOS commands that 'type themselves' when the batch file is run.Batch files
consist of control...
You may view the latest post at
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[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Cheap .COM Domain GODADDY $2.49 May 2012
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Cheap .COM Domain GODADDY $2.49 May 2012'
"Registerany available .COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET, .ORG, .CA, .CO.UK and .IN
domain for just $1!*
Applies to the first year only of new or transferregistrations. This offer may
not be used for renewals, bulkregistrations...
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[Hindi Movie] What’s Kangana doing in the US? Apart from catching up with her rumoured US-based boyfriend, the actor might apparently be giving Hollywood offers a shot
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'What's Kangana doing in the US? Apart
from catching up with her rumoured US-based boyfriend, the actor might
apparently be giving Hollywood offers a shot'
What's Kangana doing in the US?Apart from catching up with her rumoured
US-based boyfriend, the actor might apparently be giving Hollywood offers a
shotActor Kangana Ranaut, insists those close to her, is vacationing in the US,
apparently catching u...
You may view the latest post at What's Kangana doing in the US? Apart from
catching up with her rumoured US-based boyfriend, the actor might apparently be
giving Hollywood offers a shot
[Hindi Movie] ...And Is Sid going to Hollywood? Buzz is biz scion Sidhartha Mallya’s apparently shifting base to Los Angeles to pursue a career in Hollywood
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, '...And Is Sid going to Hollywood? Buzz is
biz scion Sidhartha Mallya's apparently shifting base to Los Angeles to pursue
a career in Hollywood'
...And Is Sid going to Hollywood?
Buzz is biz scion Sidhartha Mallya's apparently shifting base to Los Angeles
to pursue a career in Hollywood
It might just be that Sidhartha Mallya is all
set to storm Hollywood. Buzz is, Mallya J...
You may view the latest post at ...And Is Sid going to Hollywood? Buzz is biz
scion Sidhartha Mallya's apparently shifting base to Los Angeles to pursue a
career in Hollywood
[Hindi Movie] ‘Yuvi is a dear friend’ …says actor Neil Nitin Mukesh, as he talks about looking forward to meeting the cricketer, who is back in the country after his treatment
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, ''Yuvi is a dear friend' …says actor
Neil Nitin Mukesh, as he talks about looking forward to meeting the cricketer,
who is back in the country after his treatment'
'Yuvi is a dear friend'
…says actor Neil Nitin Mukesh, as he talks about looking forward to
meeting the cricketer, who is back in the country after his treatment
Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh is probably one of the
few actors on social ...
You may view the latest post at 'Yuvi is a dear friend' …says actor Neil
Nitin Mukesh, as he talks about looking forward to meeting the cricketer, who is
back in the country after his treatment
[Hindi Movie] ‘I love playing in a mehfil setting’ Singer, composer and song-writer Ankur Tewari talks about his first stint on TV
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, ''I love playing in a mehfil setting'
Singer, composer and song-writer Ankur Tewari talks about his first stint on
'I love
in a
Singer, composer and song-writer Ankur Tewari talks about his first stint on TV
It was while playing in hostel rooms
and friendly get-togethers in Delhi that Ankur Tewari cultivated a
passion ...
You may view the latest post at 'I love playing in a mehfil setting'
Singer, composer and song-writer Ankur Tewari talks about his first stint on TV
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Book Review Not Like Most Young Girls'
Book Review
Not Like Most Young Girls
Lending words to ineffable emotions can be hard. Even
harder would be to listen to those emotions unfold through real stories
of real human beings. But a bunch of young people have managed to
You may view the latest post at Book Review Not Like Most Young Girls
Smeg FAB32PS7 Kühl-Gefrierkombination crème

Smeg FAB32PS7 Kühl-Gefrierkombination crème
· Classic Edition - im Stile der 50er Jahre
· Farbe: Creme
· Abtauautomatik im Kühlteil
· Abstellflächen aus Sicherheitsglas
· Türanschlag links
ENERGIE - Infos zu Energieeffizienz und Verbrauchswerten
a) Energieeffizienzklasse A+
auf einer Skala von A+++ (höchste Effizienz)
bis G (geringste Effizienz)
b) jährlicher Energieverbrauch (AEc) in kWh 292
c) Nutzinhalt aller Fächer
Nutzinhalt gesamt in l 308
Nutzinhalt Kühlteil in l 205
Nutzinhalt Gefrierteil in l 103
Sternekennzeichnung Gefrierteil: **** (4-Sterne)
d) Klimaklasse SN-T
e) Luftschallemissionen in dB(A) 42
f) Einbaugerät nein
Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/27/2012 03:02:00 PM
[Sebar Backlink 4] Bester Preis: : Riesen 3 Kanal RC Hubschrauber Volitation 9053 vom Top Hersteller Double Horse
Riesen 3 Kanal RC Hubschrauber Volitation 9053 vom Top Hersteller Double Horse

Riesen 3 Kanal RC Hubschrauber Volitation 9053 vom Top Hersteller Double Horse

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/27/2012 02:04:00 PM
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Filmmaker Kiran Rao said that
professionalism has helped women in cinema.'
Women on top!
Zee TV and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
organised a seminar in Mumbai on 'The New Indian Woman', where a series
of topics were discussed by eminent woman achievers like Shabana Azmi,
Kiran Rao, Nandita Das,...
You may view the latest post at Filmmaker Kiran Rao said that professionalism
has helped women in cinema.
[Hindi Movie] Chor police on TV! Shows featuring cops seem to be increasingly gaining popularity on the small screen
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Chor police on TV! Shows featuring cops
seem to be increasingly gaining popularity on the small screen'
Chor police on TV!
Shows featuring cops seem to be increasingly gaining popularity on the small
With almost all the top stars right from Salman
Khan to Aamir Khan to Ajay Devgn playing cops or having played one in
their big scre...
You may view the latest post at Chor police on TV! Shows featuring cops seem
to be increasingly gaining popularity on the small screen
[Hindi Movie] ‘These kids will put us elders to shame!’ ...says choreographer and dance guru Geeta Kapur, as she gears up to judge Season 2 of Zee TV’s DID Li’l Masters
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, ''These kids will put us elders to
shame!' ...says choreographer and dance guru Geeta Kapur, as she gears up to
judge Season 2 of Zee TV's DID Li'l Masters'
'These kids will put us elders to shame!'
...says choreographer and dance guru Geeta Kapur, as she gears up to judge
Season 2 of Zee TV's DID Li'l Masters
Having been a part of the show since the inception of
both — Zee TV's...
You may view the latest post at 'These kids will put us elders to shame!'
...says choreographer and dance guru Geeta Kapur, as she gears up to judge
Season 2 of Zee TV's DID Li'l Masters
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Biwi ho to aisi!'
Biwi ho to aisi!
For three years, Abha (Suhashi Dami) has ruled the Zee
TV roost as its most favourite bahu from the popular series Yahan Main
Ghar Ghar Kheli. And so has her hubby, Karan Prasad (Karan Grover) as
the adorable beta. That ...
You may view the latest post at Biwi ho to aisi!
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Arjun Rampal attended an event to launch his
new venture'
Arjun Rampalattended an event to launch his new venture
You may view the latest post at Arjun Rampal attended an event to launch his
new venture
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Anil Kapoor was in Singapore for an event'
Anil Kapoor was in Singapore for an event
You may view the latest post at Anil Kapoor was in Singapore for an event
[Hindi Movie] Haute couture NEW COLLECTION PREVIEW WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25TH SANTACRUZ MOMMY AND ME: Zarine Khan with Farah Khan Ali PRETTY IN PINK: Divya Dutt KEEPIN’ IT TRADITIONAL: Bhagyashree SISTER BONDING: Padmini with Tejaswini Kolhapure Bhagyashree unveiled her latest summer collection to her friends from the industry. Guest presented included the likes of Poonam Dhillon, Padmini Kolhapure with sister Tejaswini Kolhapure, Sheeba Akashdeep, Krishika Lulla, Neelam Roy, farah Khan Ali with mother Zarine Khan, Madhurima Nigam, Divya Dutta, Purnima and many more. The guest were seen chatting about the designs and the use of exquisite colours in the garments. CHIC: Deepshikha Nagpal MY CHOICE: Krishika Lulla Pramod Thakur STYLISH! PARTY METER ALBUM LAUNCH, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25TH, ANDHERI Musical extravaganza! Bhupinder and Mitali Singh celebrated the silver jubilee of their musical journey on a grand note by releasing their new album Aksar, with Gulzar in attendance. The album was launched by Madhuri Dixit Nene. The do also saw Bhupinder and Mitali giving a soulful performance with inputs from Gulzar. Amy Billimoria, Aashka Goradia, Anup Jalota, Talat Aziz, Hariharan with wife, Sunita Banerji and Sanjeev Wadhwani enjoyed the ghazals and sat through till the end of the show. SERENADING! PARTY METER DESI GAL: Madhuri Dixit MY FORTE: Anup Jalota MENTOR: Gulzar FOR SUPPORT: Hariharan with wife FLORAL EFFECT: Aashka Goradia THE HOSTS: Bhupinder and Mitali Singh SNAPPED (L-R) Lara Dutta, Ranvijay Singh and Mandira Bedi were spotted at an event. Lara looked in a cheerful mood and was seen chatting with the other guests. Ashwini Sawant SPNOAPTPTED Sidharth, Sajan Agarwal, Kailash Kher, Sangeet Haldipur and Mukesh Chaudhary were spotted together; (above)Vinay Pathak was seen at a painting exhibition The cast and crew of Hate Story including Paoli Dam, Gulshan Devaiah with his wife and Nikhil Dwivedi came together to celebrate the success of their film with other prominent personalities at this do and to congratulate with Vikram Bhatt. The host of the evening was Vivek Agnihotri with his wife Pallavi Joshi. Others who attended the bash were Kishan Kumar and wife Tanya, Joy Sengupta, Saurav Dubey, and Tanvi Azmi among others. Ashutosh Rana and Renuka Shahane walked in hand in hand as they made a rare appearance FUN! at the do. PARTY METER SUCCESS BASH WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25TH ANDHERI No hatred here! LOW-KEY: Paoli Dam MY WIFEY: Gulshan Devaiah with wife COUNT US IN: Ashutosh Rana, Renuka Shahane and Joy Sengupta IN TIME: Kishan Kumar with wife Tanya Kumar MY PARTY: Vikram Bhatt JETTING IN: Nikhil Dwivedi SAY CHEESE: Tanvi Azmi, Vivek Agnihotri with wife Pallavi Joshi Dr Rashmi Shetty hosted this do, which saw celebs being made aware of new cutting edge skin treatments and technology. Neelam, Anita Dongre, Kadambari Lakhani, Simple, Sharon Prabhakar, Priyanka Thakur, Yogita Bali with son Mahakshay, Sandeep Soparkar, Rukhsar, Aparna Badlani and Azmina Rahimtoola amongst many others came to congratulate Rashmi. Guests also enjoyed a live performance by a young guitarist who also sang some classic INFORMATIVE! numbers. PARTY METER A reason to celebrate NEW INITIATIVE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25TH, SANTA CRUZ KEEPIN’ IT SHORT: Simple CHIC: Neelam Kothari IN THE ZONE: Sandeep Soparrkar ALL BRIGHT: Azmina Rahimtoola TRUE BLUE: Anita Dongre ALL SMILE: Aparna Badlani MACHO MAN: Mahakshay Chakraborty Pramod Thakur GRACIOUS: Rukhsar SIMPLE: Kada mbari PARTYING SHOT Ashwini Sawant Ashwini Sawant
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Haute couture NEW COLLECTION PREVIEW
Padmini with Tejaswini Kolhapure Bhagyashree unveiled her latest summer
collection to her friends from the industry. Guest presented included the likes
of Poonam Dhillon, Padmini Kolhapure with sister Tejaswini Kolhapure, Sheeba
Akashdeep, Krishika Lulla, Neelam Roy, farah Khan Ali with mother Zarine Khan,
Madhurima Nigam, Divya Dutta, Purnima and many more. The guest were seen
chatting about the designs and the use of exquisite colours in the garments.
CHIC: Deepshikha Nagpal MY CHOICE: Krishika Lulla Pramod Thakur STYLISH! PARTY
Bhupinder and Mitali Singh celebrated the silver jubilee of their musical
journey on a grand note by releasing their new album Aksar, with Gulzar in
attendance. The album was launched by Madhuri Dixit Nene. The do also saw
Bhupinder and Mitali giving a soulful performance with inputs from Gulzar. Amy
Billimoria, Aashka Goradia, Anup Jalota, Talat Aziz, Hariharan with wife, Sunita
Banerji and Sanjeev Wadhwani enjoyed the ghazals and sat through till the end of
the show. SERENADING! PARTY METER DESI GAL: Madhuri Dixit MY FORTE: Anup Jalota
MENTOR: Gulzar FOR SUPPORT: Hariharan with wife FLORAL EFFECT: Aashka Goradia
THE HOSTS: Bhupinder and Mitali Singh SNAPPED (L-R) Lara Dutta, Ranvijay Singh
and Mandira Bedi were spotted at an event. Lara looked in a cheerful mood and
was seen chatting with the other guests. Ashwini Sawant SPNOAPTPTED Sidharth,
Sajan Agarwal, Kailash Kher, Sangeet Haldipur and Mukesh Chaudhary were spotted
together; (above)Vinay Pathak was seen at a painting exhibition The cast and
crew of Hate Story including Paoli Dam, Gulshan Devaiah with his wife and Nikhil
Dwivedi came together to celebrate the success of their film with other
prominent personalities at this do and to congratulate with Vikram Bhatt. The
host of the evening was Vivek Agnihotri with his wife Pallavi Joshi. Others who
attended the bash were Kishan Kumar and wife Tanya, Joy Sengupta, Saurav Dubey,
and Tanvi Azmi among others. Ashutosh Rana and Renuka Shahane walked in hand in
hand as they made a rare appearance FUN! at the do. PARTY METER SUCCESS BASH
Gulshan Devaiah with wife COUNT US IN: Ashutosh Rana, Renuka Shahane and Joy
Sengupta IN TIME: Kishan Kumar with wife Tanya Kumar MY PARTY: Vikram Bhatt
JETTING IN: Nikhil Dwivedi SAY CHEESE: Tanvi Azmi, Vivek Agnihotri with wife
Pallavi Joshi Dr Rashmi Shetty hosted this do, which saw celebs being made aware
of new cutting edge skin treatments and technology. Neelam, Anita Dongre,
Kadambari Lakhani, Simple, Sharon Prabhakar, Priyanka Thakur, Yogita Bali with
son Mahakshay, Sandeep Soparkar, Rukhsar, Aparna Badlani and Azmina Rahimtoola
amongst many others came to congratulate Rashmi. Guests also enjoyed a live
performance by a young guitarist who also sang some classic INFORMATIVE!
Sandeep Soparrkar ALL BRIGHT: Azmina Rahimtoola TRUE BLUE: Anita Dongre ALL
SMILE: Aparna Badlani MACHO MAN: Mahakshay Chakraborty Pramod Thakur GRACIOUS:
Rukhsar SIMPLE: Kada mbari PARTYING SHOT Ashwini Sawant Ashwini Sawant'
Zarine Khan withFarah Khan AliPRETTY IN PINK: Divya DuttKEEPIN' IT
TRADITIONAL: BhagyashreeSISTER BONDING: Padmini with
TejaswiniKolhapureBhagyashree unveiled her latest...
You may view the latest post at Haute couture NEW COLLECTION PREVIEW WEDNESDAY,
with Tejaswini Kolhapure Bhagyashree unveiled her latest summer collection to
her friends from the industry. Guest presented included the likes of Poonam
Dhillon, Padmini Kolhapure with sister Tejaswini Kolhapure, Sheeba Akashdeep,
Krishika Lulla, Neelam Roy, farah Khan Ali with mother Zarine Khan, Madhurima
Nigam, Divya Dutta, Purnima and many more. The guest were seen chatting about
the designs and the use of exquisite colours in the garments. CHIC: Deepshikha
Nagpal MY CHOICE: Krishika Lulla Pramod Thakur STYLISH! PARTY METER ALBUM
LAUNCH, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25TH, ANDHERI Musical extravaganza! Bhupinder and
Mitali Singh celebrated the silver jubilee of their musical journey on a grand
note by releasing their new album Aksar, with Gulzar in attendance. The album
was launched by Madhuri Dixit Nene. The do also saw Bhupinder and Mitali giving
a soulful performance with inputs from Gulzar. Amy Billimoria, Aashka Goradia,
Anup Jalota, Talat Aziz, Hariharan with wife, Sunita Banerji and Sanjeev
Wadhwani enjoyed the ghazals and sat through till the end of the show.
Gulzar FOR SUPPORT: Hariharan with wife FLORAL EFFECT: Aashka Goradia THE HOSTS:
Bhupinder and Mitali Singh SNAPPED (L-R) Lara Dutta, Ranvijay Singh and Mandira
Bedi were spotted at an event. Lara looked in a cheerful mood and was seen
chatting with the other guests. Ashwini Sawant SPNOAPTPTED Sidharth, Sajan
Agarwal, Kailash Kher, Sangeet Haldipur and Mukesh Chaudhary were spotted
together; (above)Vinay Pathak was seen at a painting exhibition The cast and
crew of Hate Story including Paoli Dam, Gulshan Devaiah with his wife and Nikhil
Dwivedi came together to celebrate the success of their film with other
prominent personalities at this do and to congratulate with Vikram Bhatt. The
host of the evening was Vivek Agnihotri with his wife Pallavi Joshi. Others who
attended the bash were Kishan Kumar and wife Tanya, Joy Sengupta, Saurav Dubey,
and Tanvi Azmi among others. Ashutosh Rana and Renuka Shahane walked in hand in
hand as they made a rare appearance FUN! at the do. PARTY METER SUCCESS BASH
Gulshan Devaiah with wife COUNT US IN: Ashutosh Rana, Renuka Shahane and Joy
Sengupta IN TIME: Kishan Kumar with wife Tanya Kumar MY PARTY: Vikram Bhatt
JETTING IN: Nikhil Dwivedi SAY CHEESE: Tanvi Azmi, Vivek Agnihotri with wife
Pallavi Joshi Dr Rashmi Shetty hosted this do, which saw celebs being made aware
of new cutting edge skin treatments and technology. Neelam, Anita Dongre,
Kadambari Lakhani, Simple, Sharon Prabhakar, Priyanka Thakur, Yogita Bali with
son Mahakshay, Sandeep Soparkar, Rukhsar, Aparna Badlani and Azmina Rahimtoola
amongst many others came to congratulate Rashmi. Guests also enjoyed a live
performance by a young guitarist who also sang some classic INFORMATIVE!
Sandeep Soparrkar ALL BRIGHT: Azmina Rahimtoola TRUE BLUE: Anita Dongre ALL
SMILE: Aparna Badlani MACHO MAN: Mahakshay Chakraborty Pramod Thakur GRACIOUS:
Rukhsar SIMPLE: Kada mbari PARTYING SHOT Ashwini Sawant Ashwini Sawant
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Airtel Gprs Trick 2012_My First Airtel Trick with Proxy
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Airtel Gprs Trick 2012_My First Airtel Trick
with Proxy'
Airtel Free Gprs Trick April 2012
Hey Guys!
This Is My First Post In Freetrickz.And Also This Airtel Proxy Trick Is Still
Working In Tamil Nadu.Don't Forgot To Try This Proxy Trick And Replying Me.
"Hai Friendz!
use this settings.
this proxy is...
You may view the latest post at
You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
Best regards,
Ashok Kumar
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] CODES FOR CHAT BOX PICTURES UPDATED]
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'CODES FOR CHAT BOX PICTURES UPDATED]'
This in Your Chat Box / FB MessageJust Copy the CODE and Paste it... Have FUN~
(Note: This is only works in PC/Laptop...Will not work if you're chatting from
Mobile! )
dont try it in comments it will not work... try i...
You may view the latest post at
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Best regards,
Master of Blogger
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Tezz (2012) Hindi Movie Watch Online /
Download - DVD SCR Rip'
Watch Online - HostingBulk
Tezz (2012) Watch Online DVD SCR Rip - Part 1
Tezz (2012) Watch Online DVD SCR Rip - Part 2
Tezz (2012) Watch Online DVD SCR Rip - Part 3
Tezz (2012) Watch Online DVD SCR Rip - Part 4
Tezz (2012) Watch Online DVD SCR Rip - P...
You may view the latest post at Tezz (2012) Hindi Movie Watch Online / Download
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Mts Mblaze Tricks:Free 150 Mb Data Trick
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Mts Mblaze Tricks:Free 150 Mb Data Trick'
Mts Mblaze Tricks 2012
Hey Guys!
Freetrickz Is Back With A New Mts Mblaze Trick.This Mblaze 3G Trick Is Working
In All Mblaze Modems.You Can Get 150Mb Of Free Mblaze 3G Data With This Trick.
Here Is The Mts Mblaze Trick:
To Get 150...
You may view the latest post at
You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
Best regards,
Ashok Kumar
[Sebar Backlink 4] Bester Preis: : Bosch KSL20S54 Stand-Kühlschrank / A+ / Kühlen: 147 L / Gefrieren: 17 L / cappuccino / No Frost
Bosch KSL20S54 Stand-Kühlschrank / A+ / Kühlen: 147 L / Gefrieren: 17 L / cappuccino / No Frost

Bosch KSL20S54 Stand-Kühlschrank / A+ / Kühlen: 147 L / Gefrieren: 17 L / cappuccino / No Frost
· Classic Edition - im Stil der 50er Jahre
· Farbe: Cappuccino
· Abtau-Automatik im Kühlteil
· Super Kühlen m. automatischer Deaktivierung
· Türanschlag: rechts
ENERGIE - Infos zu Energieeffizienz und Verbrauchswerten
a) Energieeffizienzklasse A+
auf einer Skala von A+++ (höchste Effizienz)
bis G (geringste Effizienz)
b) jährlicher Energieverbrauch (AEc) in kWh 202
c) Nutzinhalt aller Fächer
Nutzinhalt gesamt in l 164
Nutzinhalt Kühlteil in l 147
Nutzinhalt Gefrierfach in l 17
Sternekennzeichnung Gefrierfach: **** (4-Sterne)
d) Klimaklasse SN-ST
e) Luftschallemissionen in dB(A) 38
f) Einbaugerät nein
Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/27/2012 03:07:00 AM
[Sebar Backlink 4] Bester Preis: : Richter Kinderschuhe Ulli 72.8707 Jungen Sandalen/Outdoor-Sandalen
Richter Kinderschuhe Ulli 72.8707 Jungen Sandalen/Outdoor-Sandalen

Richter Kinderschuhe Ulli 72.8707 Jungen Sandalen/Outdoor-Sandalen
Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/27/2012 01:48:00 AM
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Why older comments are not showing after installing DISQUS?
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Why older comments are not showing after
installing DISQUS?'
DISQUS is a popular blog community management software and has been largely used
now a days. Previously we have discussed Why you should try DISQUS for your
blog? If your blog had some comments before you installed DISQUS, you will
observe a strange th...
You may view the latest post at
You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
Best regards,
Arup Ghosh
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, 'Nokia 808 PureView Price In India | 41
Megapixel Camera Sensor'
Nokia 808 PureView Price In India:Nokia has announced a lot of new phones at the
Mobile World Congress,2012 which includes the Nokia Pureview 808. This device
was leaked last year and finally,the company has announced today but anyway,you
will b...
You may view the latest post at Nokia 808 PureView Price In India | 41
Megapixel Camera Sensor
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Repair Windows Xp Without Installing CD
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Repair Windows Xp Without Installing CD'
Click on START and then RUN.
Type webfldrs.msi (without quote)
This will start the process to repair your window's problems.
Follow the instructions.
In next screen, choose SELECT REINSTALL MODE.
A new window will appear.
Put chec...
You may view the latest post at
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Best regards,
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] Adding and Customizing Facebook Timeline Apps
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'Adding and Customizing Facebook Timeline
After the launch of Facebook Timeline, some special applications were introduced
.These applications are specificallydesigned to promote "Frictionless
Sharing" i.e it will automatically post updates once you grant them
permissions.  ...
You may view the latest post at
You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
Best regards,
Pilgrim 561-023 Ohrring, versilbert, kristall

Pilgrim 561-023 Ohrring, versilbert, kristall
Der Pilgrim Schmuck ist 100 % nickelfrei, also auch für Allergiker geeignet.
Der handgefertigte Schmuck ist hauptsächlich aus Messing, Zinn oder Zink hergestellt. Er ist zuerst mit Kupfer beschichtet, danach mit 16 â€" 22 Karat Gold oder 925 Sterlingsilber. Die verwendeten Steine sind u. a. CRYSTALLIZEDâ„¢ Swarovski Elements, Halbedelsteine und Glassteine. Außerdem verwendet Pilgrim auch Natur- und Süßwasserperlen.
Pflege und Reinigung:
Es wird empfohlen, die Schmuckstücke vor dem Schlafen, Duschen bzw. Baden abzulegen. Reinigen Sie die Schmuckstücke mit einem Poliertuch auf das etwas Putzmittel gegeben wurde.

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/26/2012 06:48:00 PM
[Sebar Backlink 4] Bester Preis: : Smeg FAB28RB1 Standkühlschrank / A++ / 248 L / Weiß / mit integriertem Gefrierteil / Rechtsanschlag
Smeg FAB28RB1 Standkühlschrank / A++ / 248 L / Weiß / mit integriertem Gefrierteil / Rechtsanschlag

Smeg FAB28RB1 Standkühlschrank / A++ / 248 L / Weiß / mit integriertem Gefrierteil / Rechtsanschlag
· Classic Edition - im Stile der 50er Jahre
· Farbe: Weiß
· Abtauautomatik im Kühlteil
· Abstellflächen aus Sicherheitsglas
· Dynamische Kühlung
· Türanschlag rechts
ENERGIE - Infos zu Energieeffizienz und Verbrauchswerten
a) Energieeffizienzklasse A++
auf einer Skala von A+++ (höchste Effizienz)
bis G (geringste Effizienz)
b) jährlicher Energieverbrauch (AEc) in kWh 180
c) Nutzinhalt aller Fächer
Nutzinhalt gesamt in l 248
Nutzinhalt Kühlteil in l 222
Nutzinhalt Gefrierfach in l 26
Sternekennzeichnung Gefrierfach: **** (4-Sterne)
d) Klimaklasse SN-T
e) Luftschallemissionen in dB(A) 40
f) Einbaugerät ja
Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 4 pada 4/26/2012 03:09:00 PM
[Hindi Movie] ‘I didn’t miss films at all’ ...says actor Karisma Kapoor, as she talks of her kids and coming back to celluloid with her new film
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, ''I didn't miss films at all' ...says
actor Karisma Kapoor, as she talks of her kids and coming back to celluloid with
her new film'
'I didn't miss films at all'...says actor Karisma Kapoor, as she talks of
her kids and coming back to celluloid with her new filmActor Karisma Kapoor, who
is back on the film circuit after a hiatus post motherhood, says she is looking
forward to...
You may view the latest post at 'I didn't miss films at all' ...says
actor Karisma Kapoor, as she talks of her kids and coming back to celluloid with
her new film
[Hindi Movie] ‘They won momentarily’ ...blogs superstar Amitabh Bachchan, expressing relief at being ‘exonerated’ in the Bofors scam after almost 25 years
Hindi Movie has posted a new item, ''They won momentarily' ...blogs
superstar Amitabh Bachchan, expressing relief at being 'exonerated' in the
Bofors scam after almost 25 years'
'They won momentarily'
...blogs superstar Amitabh Bachchan, expressing relief at being 'exonerated'
in the Bofors scam after almost 25 years
Relieved at his name finally being exonerated
from the Bofors scam that happened almost ...
You may view the latest post at 'They won momentarily' ...blogs superstar
Amitabh Bachchan, expressing relief at being 'exonerated' in the Bofors scam
after almost 25 years
[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] How to Trace anyone who chat with You
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Networking has posted a new item, 'How to Trace anyone who chat with You'
Trace IP address of someone or friends in Facebook chat, Google chat-Gtalk,
Messengers on windows: -
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[Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social Networking] How to Trace anyone who chat with You
Tech Khoj :- Computer | Free Gprs Tricks | Internet | Security | Mobile | Social
Networking has posted a new item, 'How to Trace anyone who chat with You'
Trace IP address of someone or friends in Facebook chat, Google chat-Gtalk,
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Master of Blogger
SHOWstudio: Asia Argento, Victoria Beckham, Nick Knight, Cara Delevingne, Aimee Mullins, Alice Hawkins, Marie Schuller, Rebecca Wilson, Anna Dello Russo, Lady Gaga, Judy Blame, Ruth Hogben, Rei Nadal and more...
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![]() | Newsletter | 26 April 2012 |
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From Florence to fetish, there is something for everyone in Asia Argento's provocative Fashion Fetish offering. Continuing the series' trend for innovative creative displays, the actress and director contributes Don't Bother To Knock, a series of film shorts exclusively for SHOWstudio. Presented as a 'video diary', these videos - captured during Argento's London promotion of the feature film Marie Antoinette in 2006 - combine DIY reportage aesthetics with meticulous direction from Argento and Nick Knight. Intertwining reality with fantasy, the films are aided by a script devised by author Emma Forrest, their original display as entries on the SHOWstudio blog adding weight to the dupe. User comments are displayed alongside the shorts, forming a corresponding narrative of viewer perceptions of Argento's actions and the suspension - or not - of disbelief as they navigate the fiction/fact labyrinth of this unique film series. [more] | |
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![]() Nick Knight's latest fashion film is a collaboration with award-winning British designer Victoria Beckham. Teaming with Land Rover, Beckham serves as guest creative designer for a special edition of their latest model, a new bespoke hand-finished Range Rover Evoque - the model displayed to perfection in a fashion film directed by Knight and inspired by the fantasy cityscapes of graphic novellas. Beckham stars as her own model, sporting her eponymous fashion line alongside her equally sleek and streamlined automobile. The designer comments: 'I want everyone who gets into this car to feel special and empowered by its quality and craftsmanship. I like that it feels luxurious but also has quite a classic edge to it as well as a contemporary feel.' Who can't be won over by fabulous fashion and a fast car combined? [more] | |
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![]() On Friday 20 April 2012, SHOWstudio was the stage for Nick Knight's first ever Instagram fashion shoot - Pussycat, Pussycat - showcasing a priceless array of fine jewellery from Van Cleef and Arpels, Fabergé, Cartier, Solange Azagury-Partridge and the acclaimed postmodern bijoux of Delfina Delettrez alongside a menagerie of furry friends in the able hands of model Cara Delevigne. Captured instantaneously by Knight and relayed to global viewers via Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and, the shoot also offered snippets of intellectual fashion analysis delivered off-the-cuff by SHOWstudio fashion director Alexander Fury. The resulting images celebrate not only the cutesy-poo popularity of internet GIFs and memes, but next season's dressed-to-excess extravagance, teaming those gems with equally precious garms from the likes of Mary Katrantzou, Valentino Haute Couture and Rochas. Couture never looked quite so cute. [more] | |
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![]() Filmed earlier this year, a brand new In Fashion interview edit featuring Aimee Mullins launches tomorrow, Friday 27 March, at 12:00 BST. The actress, model, athlete - and one of People magazine's fifty most beautiful people in the world - is in conversation with SHOWstudio fashion director Alexander Fury. She can be heard discussing her experiences as an bilateral amputee, as well as her sporting exploits, fashion career, and acting roles, alongside the process of storytelling in all three. As with all our In Fashion interviews, this is a frank and honest dialogue, providing a unique insight into the mind of a woman who has undoubtedly shaped the ever-changing landscape of contemporary fashion, athletics and culture. | |
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![]() Perfectly coordinated with our Selling Sex exhibition, both playlists in our Fashion Mix series this week come from female image-makers. On Monday, photographer Alice Hawkins opened up her record collection, offering up a tribute to her sartorial and musical heroine Dolly Parton. A self-confessed Dolly-addict, Hawkins has already created a previous ode to the singer in her Ponystep story 'Dolly Parton is my religion', and even based her own wedding dress on the blond songstress. Truly a super mix from a super fan, Hawkins playlist is the perfect pick-me-up when working nine to five. On Friday, prior to her Fashion Fetish contribution next week, film-maker Marie Schuller will take to the SHOWstudio DJ both, offering up the songs and sounds that inspire her own creative work. Featuring everything from Sharivari by A Number of Names and Dirt by The Stooges, these fashionable tracks are not to be missed. Tune in on Friday at 13:00 BST to here Schuller's playlist for yourself. [more] | |
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![]() Voting in the 16th Annual Webby Awards closes today! As a nominee for Best Fashion Website, SHOWstudio is eligible to win a Webby People's Voice Award, which is chosen online by you. You only have until the end of the day, Thursday 26 April, to cast your votes, so hurry over to to show your support for SHOWstudio. [more] | |
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![]() Blow Me defies the conventional utility of ceramics by combining materials to become a teasingly coquettish collage. Scottish based artist Rebecca Wilson uses slip-casting techniques to produce high-quality items which defy the throwaway nature of their subject matter. Wilson often brings transient materials into the making process and in doing so interrupts the formality of traditional techniques. Her ceramics turn everyday items into a collage of pleasurable extravagance. She constructs new objects by casting discarded knickknacks, most commonly found in charity shops and car boot sales, into luxurious porcelain and bone china. The incongruous nature of provocative sexuality printed onto a staple of household propriety charms each viewer. The concurrence of porcelain with eccentric, dispensable and incidental materials creates an ironic play of worth between what we desire and what we choose to indulge in. [more] | |
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![]() Appropriately coinciding with Selling Sex's exploration of the female nude, SHOWstudio digs up this gem from our 2010 archives. Originally commissioned to feature as part of the 2009 exhibition SHOWstudio: Fashion Revolution at Somerset House, The Fashion Body focused on exploring and celebrating the human body, offering a unique combination of fashion and moving image. Over forty creatives - including designers, photographers, models, filmmakers and stylists - were tasked with contributing a personal and distinctive fashion film. Each focused on a different area of the body, using fashion items from the latest collections to adorn it. Alongside the final films, a series of essays explored our notions of fashionability and the body through the individual voices of almost thirty journalists, authors and academics. Not only functioning as distinct cinematic entities, the Fashion Body films are each a vital part of a larger panorama of fashion-focused moving image, built up organically over time to mirror the human body's own growth. From Anna Dello Russo's nose and Lady Gaga's left eye, to Ruth Hogben's buttocks and Judy Blame's left wrist - check out SHOWstudio's very fashionable form. [more] | |
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Rei Nadal: Water Sculptures ![]() I recently discovered the artist Shinichi Maruyama. What I loved about his work is, given the ephemeral nature of his sculptures, they can only exist through a photographic or film media support. [more] | |
'Selling Sex' receives a glowing four star review in today's Independent ![]() SHOWstudio Shop was delighted to receive a glowing four-star review in The Independent for our current exhibition 'Selling Sex'. [more] | |
Wayne McGregor's Carbon Life at the Royal Opera House ![]() With costumes by Gareth Pugh and music led by famed cool-kid Mark Ronson, this dance masterpiece was always going to make a splash. [more] | |
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